What am i supp0se to d0 after this?Enter kex or get s0me work to make me busy..To make me forget all the predicament in my head.To give a new life f0r me.Or juz sleep and hug my bolster without d0ing anything?I d0nt kn0w.ReaLLy d0nt kn0w.Maybe i have to get s0me advice fr0m any1.Please help me...
All hue in my life has disappear.My life like n0 meaning n0w.Huhu...I l0se my b0ldness.I feel that i'm Like carcase n0w.I d0nt kn0w how to unbuckle this l0op.My head g0nna chaos.I chanting in my head to patient with my c0nditi0n n0w.But i can't.There like a hue and cry on my head to give me a new spirit.But all that is w0rthless.N0thing can change it.But i kn0w.I'm chap.N0t a gurl.I've to be str0ng.I've to g0 tr0ugh all this.Give a strength oh my G0D...ALLAH huaqbar
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008
I misS.....
I miss my clasS
i miss all my teacher,ustaz,ustazah
i miss laboratory physic,chemistry,biol0gy
i miss to play fo0tball with my friend on our bel0ved scho0l field
i miss to play chess with naimi,faiz,azhari
i miss to win,n i miss to lose my chess game
i miss to march past
i miss to scream when i had march past
i miss to chat with all my friend in our g0rgeous class
i miss to learn chemistry
i miss to study add math with nawi in his class
i miss to do physics experiment
i miss to heard cg zaim voice(bio)
i miss to cut up psi class.Kik3
i miss to enter to APD to learn bm
i miss to c0py history n0te fr0m cg nazlel
i miss to d0 math exercise with cg aziz
i miss "paprik kak ze"
i miss all the thing at ma'ahad fr0m f0rm 1 until f0rm 5.ReaLLY miss it
i miss all my teacher,ustaz,ustazah
i miss laboratory physic,chemistry,biol0gy
i miss to play fo0tball with my friend on our bel0ved scho0l field
i miss to play chess with naimi,faiz,azhari
i miss to win,n i miss to lose my chess game
i miss to march past
i miss to scream when i had march past
i miss to chat with all my friend in our g0rgeous class
i miss to learn chemistry
i miss to study add math with nawi in his class
i miss to do physics experiment
i miss to heard cg zaim voice(bio)
i miss to cut up psi class.Kik3
i miss to enter to APD to learn bm
i miss to c0py history n0te fr0m cg nazlel
i miss to d0 math exercise with cg aziz
i miss "paprik kak ze"
i miss all the thing at ma'ahad fr0m f0rm 1 until f0rm 5.ReaLLY miss it
Did u hate me?Bec0z evrytime i call u,i can feel that u feel uneasy with me.....
Please teLL me the truth.I reaLLY need to kn0w that.Please ____.....
I dont want to waiting like this anym0re.If u dislike me,juz teLL me.I can accept it.D0nt care ab0ut me.All u need to do is juz tell me.Please.....Please.
Please teLL me the truth.I reaLLY need to kn0w that.Please ____.....
I dont want to waiting like this anym0re.If u dislike me,juz teLL me.I can accept it.D0nt care ab0ut me.All u need to do is juz tell me.Please.....Please.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
INdepENdEnt dAY.....
INdepENdEnt dAY.....When is it?31 October?
Haha..N0t that.1 Disember.Independent day for me.Escaping from sPM.Ahaha...I realLy hope that time g0nNA be faster.Coz i realLY impatient of waiting.Like waiting sum0ne wilL never be mine.Ahaha...Such a stupid man.C0me to your sense arma.See urself on the mirRor.Plane mirRor.N0t convex or concave.C0z if u see urself in c0nvex or c0ncave mirRor,u will never kn0w who u are.Realize that...Uhahaha
I juz want to have a h0liday with my family.To PERAK.My h0met0wn.My pop and m0m are kelantanese.But i'm perakian.C0z i was born there.At h0spital Ipoh i guest.Hehe...I want to finish my license.My sis sP0nser.Hehe..My sis "taskunu fi" Manjung.Nearby Lumut beach.Juz a st0ne thr0w.Giant thr0w the stone.N0t me!!Kik3...It is f0r a l0ng time i hasn't be there.I l0ve to swim,but i dont kn0w h0w to swim.Weird right?Haha...If i hav a chance i'm take u there.Hehe...
After this,i want to get en0ugh sleEP.C0z i really n0t get en0ugh sleep for a l0ng time.I want to sleep and hug my b0lster.Huhu...
I want to hang out with my friends.My best friends.Nawi n Abu.I realLY appri8 them.
Nawi...Hav en0rm0us secret admire.Wow!!EN0RM0US?Well u kn0w him.Such a hands0me boy.RealLY2 hands0me.If u seE him.I guarantee that u wilL fall in l0ve with him.Kik3
Abu...Als0 hands0me b0y.Hav g0od l0oking.B0sS of tae kwon do of my sCho0l.Such a t0ugh man.But always "k0ya".Hehe..Juz kidding.
Me?Arma?What s0me pe0ple calL me?The gr0tesque one.Kik3...Ahaha..U can call me what ever u want.I d0nt care.(arma xkesah)c0z i realLY kn0w who i am.Önly ALLAH kn0w who i am.All of u wilL kn0w who i am whenever the day has c0me.Juz wait...Huhu...I hand up alL my predicament to HIM.AlL i can d0 is juz pray.
I like to jesting.I'm like a jester to my friend.The clAss will silent without me.Ceywah...N0t in my clusS.But abu's n nawi's clusS.I always hang up in their claSs.Haha..N0t cut up clAsS.But "kadang2"...Hehe
1 Disember also wilL be my hist0ry day...Juz wait...
Haha..N0t that.1 Disember.Independent day for me.Escaping from sPM.Ahaha...I realLy hope that time g0nNA be faster.Coz i realLY impatient of waiting.Like waiting sum0ne wilL never be mine.Ahaha...Such a stupid man.C0me to your sense arma.See urself on the mirRor.Plane mirRor.N0t convex or concave.C0z if u see urself in c0nvex or c0ncave mirRor,u will never kn0w who u are.Realize that...Uhahaha
I juz want to have a h0liday with my family.To PERAK.My h0met0wn.My pop and m0m are kelantanese.But i'm perakian.C0z i was born there.At h0spital Ipoh i guest.Hehe...I want to finish my license.My sis sP0nser.Hehe..My sis "taskunu fi" Manjung.Nearby Lumut beach.Juz a st0ne thr0w.Giant thr0w the stone.N0t me!!Kik3...It is f0r a l0ng time i hasn't be there.I l0ve to swim,but i dont kn0w h0w to swim.Weird right?Haha...If i hav a chance i'm take u there.Hehe...
After this,i want to get en0ugh sleEP.C0z i really n0t get en0ugh sleep for a l0ng time.I want to sleep and hug my b0lster.Huhu...
I want to hang out with my friends.My best friends.Nawi n Abu.I realLY appri8 them.
Nawi...Hav en0rm0us secret admire.Wow!!EN0RM0US?Well u kn0w him.Such a hands0me boy.RealLY2 hands0me.If u seE him.I guarantee that u wilL fall in l0ve with him.Kik3
Abu...Als0 hands0me b0y.Hav g0od l0oking.B0sS of tae kwon do of my sCho0l.Such a t0ugh man.But always "k0ya".Hehe..Juz kidding.
Me?Arma?What s0me pe0ple calL me?The gr0tesque one.Kik3...Ahaha..U can call me what ever u want.I d0nt care.(arma xkesah)c0z i realLY kn0w who i am.Önly ALLAH kn0w who i am.All of u wilL kn0w who i am whenever the day has c0me.Juz wait...Huhu...I hand up alL my predicament to HIM.AlL i can d0 is juz pray.
I like to jesting.I'm like a jester to my friend.The clAss will silent without me.Ceywah...N0t in my clusS.But abu's n nawi's clusS.I always hang up in their claSs.Haha..N0t cut up clAsS.But "kadang2"...Hehe
1 Disember also wilL be my hist0ry day...Juz wait...
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
It reaLLy arDU0us f0r mE...
Why it's me?Why me?Why is this happen t0 me?What have i did?Am i wrong?I didn't do anything.I juz want t0 make you happy.I juz want to see you to smile.Am i wrong?I ask you again and again.But y0u w0n't answer me.I rely to sacrifice anything.Juz f0r you.You will never kn0w that i'm the one.Why did u d0 this to me??
Oh G0D.Give me strength to g0 trough all this "disaster".I can't do it by myself.
You has changed.Why is this going on?What i has to do?Why did you n0t come to your senses...?Oh..I kn0w you very well bef0re.But n0w,i dont who u are.Why?Why?
You pr0mised me.But you...Uh!!!N0thing can i do anym0re.Sory for evrything.And thanks friend.I wilL never and ever f0rget you.You always fresh on my mind.Thanks.Thanks
Oh G0D.Give me strength to g0 trough all this "disaster".I can't do it by myself.
You has changed.Why is this going on?What i has to do?Why did you n0t come to your senses...?Oh..I kn0w you very well bef0re.But n0w,i dont who u are.Why?Why?
You pr0mised me.But you...Uh!!!N0thing can i do anym0re.Sory for evrything.And thanks friend.I wilL never and ever f0rget you.You always fresh on my mind.Thanks.Thanks
Thursday, November 20, 2008
What a w0nderful day...
6.45 p.m
i've g0t one msg fr0m my friend..(ma..Leh wk kimia td)
then i answer back(huhu..Puah hati m0lep jwp kimia td)
i've g0t all the c0ncept of this chemistry.I f0und it really make me happy...S0 mesmerise.And i juz g0t to kn0w...Hehe...It's rainy outside.S0metime heavy rain.I felt s0 c0ld inside the examinati0n.Paper 1...I answer one by one.The questi0n is familiar with me.Because the nightbefore the exam...
I'm ready with f0ur set of 0bjectif questi0n.2004,2005,2006 and 2007...The questi0n of 04 and 05...We(arma n abu) discus together while watching s0me m0vie..Haaa..What m0vie??Jeng2...The dark night.BATMAN...N0t better man.Kik3...Sumtime we hav a fight cause we hav the different answer.Sumtime he g0t the c0rrect answer.But it's always me g0t the c0rrect answer...Hehe...Paper 2...N0t To arduous f0r me.C0z our trial are m0re harder than this m0rning questi0n.Thank G0D.Paper 3..The m0st happiest paper...I take only half an h0ur t0 answer b0th questi0n.It is really easy.C0z we have predict what will c0me out f0r this sPM...All of sudden,all that we predict c0me 0ut questi0n bec0mes real questi0n f0r SPM...The reactivity of gr0up 1 LITHIUM,SODIUM and POTASSIUM with water.It isthe easiest questi0n...The reactivity of metal gr0up 1 increase d0wn the gr0up..Huhu...Such a weird but easy questi0n.Like sum0ne,sumtime she makes me happy...But she always makes me happy.Kik3...Ok.It time f0r me to g0 t0 sleep.It t0 late.Tom0rr0w i've 0ne paper.PSI paper 1.Nite all.SalamuALLAHhialaikum...See u at KEX..Hehehe
i've g0t one msg fr0m my friend..(ma..Leh wk kimia td)
then i answer back(huhu..Puah hati m0lep jwp kimia td)
i've g0t all the c0ncept of this chemistry.I f0und it really make me happy...S0 mesmerise.And i juz g0t to kn0w...Hehe...It's rainy outside.S0metime heavy rain.I felt s0 c0ld inside the examinati0n.Paper 1...I answer one by one.The questi0n is familiar with me.Because the nightbefore the exam...
I'm ready with f0ur set of 0bjectif questi0n.2004,2005,2006 and 2007...The questi0n of 04 and 05...We(arma n abu) discus together while watching s0me m0vie..Haaa..What m0vie??Jeng2...The dark night.BATMAN...N0t better man.Kik3...Sumtime we hav a fight cause we hav the different answer.Sumtime he g0t the c0rrect answer.But it's always me g0t the c0rrect answer...Hehe...Paper 2...N0t To arduous f0r me.C0z our trial are m0re harder than this m0rning questi0n.Thank G0D.Paper 3..The m0st happiest paper...I take only half an h0ur t0 answer b0th questi0n.It is really easy.C0z we have predict what will c0me out f0r this sPM...All of sudden,all that we predict c0me 0ut questi0n bec0mes real questi0n f0r SPM...The reactivity of gr0up 1 LITHIUM,SODIUM and POTASSIUM with water.It isthe easiest questi0n...The reactivity of metal gr0up 1 increase d0wn the gr0up..Huhu...Such a weird but easy questi0n.Like sum0ne,sumtime she makes me happy...But she always makes me happy.Kik3...Ok.It time f0r me to g0 t0 sleep.It t0 late.Tom0rr0w i've 0ne paper.PSI paper 1.Nite all.SalamuALLAHhialaikum...See u at KEX..Hehehe
Thursday, November 13, 2008
FeeLing hArd...
Although loneliness has always been a friend of mine
I'm leaving my life in your hands
People say I'm crazy and that I am blind
Risking it all in a glance
And how you got me blind is still a mystery
I can't get you out of my head
Don't care what is written in your history
As long as you're here with me
Every little thing that you have said and done
Feels like it's deep within me
Doesn't really matter if you're on the run
It seems like we're meant to be
I've tried to hide it so that no one knows
But I guess it shows
When you look into my eyes
What you did and where you are comin' from
Nothing can change my feeling toward you...
I'm leaving my life in your hands
People say I'm crazy and that I am blind
Risking it all in a glance
And how you got me blind is still a mystery
I can't get you out of my head
Don't care what is written in your history
As long as you're here with me
Every little thing that you have said and done
Feels like it's deep within me
Doesn't really matter if you're on the run
It seems like we're meant to be
I've tried to hide it so that no one knows
But I guess it shows
When you look into my eyes
What you did and where you are comin' from
Nothing can change my feeling toward you...
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