Sunday, November 30, 2008

Vital or n0t?

What am i supp0se to d0 after this?Enter kex or get s0me work to make me busy..To make me forget all the predicament in my head.To give a new life f0r me.Or juz sleep and hug my bolster without d0ing anything?I d0nt kn0w.ReaLLy d0nt kn0w.Maybe i have to get s0me advice fr0m any1.Please help me...
All hue in my life has disappear.My life like n0 meaning n0w.Huhu...I l0se my b0ldness.I feel that i'm Like carcase n0w.I d0nt kn0w how to unbuckle this l0op.My head g0nna chaos.I chanting in my head to patient with my c0nditi0n n0w.But i can't.There like a hue and cry on my head to give me a new spirit.But all that is w0rthless.N0thing can change it.But i kn0w.I'm chap.N0t a gurl.I've to be str0ng.I've to g0 tr0ugh all this.Give a strength oh my G0D...ALLAH huaqbar

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